Our Group
Rath Mhuire Men’s Social Club, Granard, Co. Longford was established in December 2009 and 11 years later continues to be a happy and safe place for men to socialise, share skills and enjoy playing a very active part in their local community. Currently there are 17 participants who meet on a weekly basis in Rath Mhuire Community Resource Centre, Granard, to share good food and conversation as well as engage in a range of activities. These include Restoration & Woodwork Projects, Health & Exercise Programmes and Information Talks, to mention a few.
Maintaining our local heritage has always been a focus of the group and this project, a presentation of old and/or unusual objects, implements and artefacts of bygone times, not only highlights what they are, what they were used for, when they were used and by whom, but also highlights a way of life and social interaction which, in many respects, no longer exists. The project also highlights the North Longford local connection and the personal or group connection to each item.
We can be contacted at rathmhuire@gmail.com